It is the Project having originally started in England and it has extended its geographical field work in Africa. The Project was established by the Relay Trust Charity that is a UK-based Christian charity legally founded in 2016. The ideal of an organisational Project is to ensure an efficient training among of Catechists who serve God in the Church, teaching Good News of Salvation preachers, strengthening Bible School Institutions and playing momentous role in disseminating an active proclamation of the Gospel. The Charity has committed to serve God through the Holy Scripture focusing on the Gospel of Christ according to Saint Matthew 29:18-20 which stipulates the Great Commission commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Relay Trust Charity turns its attention to work with the Anglican Church Province of Burundi. During the 14th February 2024 there had been a special activity of unfolding organisation’s projects plan as intended implementation in cooperation with the Anglican Church of Burundi as well as trainings scheduled to be exposed.
The organisation grouped people for performing activities and it ensured that people work in their respective groups, particularly by sharing their ideas related to provided questions. The following are some of such discussion questions:
– Do activities of Relay Trust have correspondence to Rumonge Diocesan vision?
– Can Rumonge Diocese cooperate with Relay Trust to implement their projects?
– Is there anything that could be included in the recommended lessons?
The day was pleasing and activity ended well by having snapped a family photo

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