It was during the 5th day of December 2022 when a massive rainfall was experienced in Rumonge commune. Kizuka zone became the most affected region in its five collines: Kizuka, Kagongo, Gatwe, Mwange and Mibanda. The event led to a destructive flood in which residents lost their houses, food stocks, destruction of domestic instruments, school learning instruments became useless, intensive agricultural loss in over 100 hectors of farming fields and other corresponding losses were experienced. Among of other problems, the community suffered from lack of shelters, some food and inability to attend schools. They lived under the risk of unhealthy environment due to random waste spread through the flood.
The Diocese of Rumonge through its Development Sector (Secteur de développement et sécurité alimentaire, lutte contre la pauvreté et autonomisation de la communauté) co-operated with TearFund Burundi to reach the vulnerable flood victims in Kizuka zone. They hold this vocation as a manner of serving God by caring His people to ensure wellbeing for all. It was during 20th January 2023 when the Diocese and TearFund visited the community and provided the victims with domestic materials as well as comforting speech. The visitors distributed water galons, pans, soaps, exercise books, pens and other domestic materials. The beneficiaries were 277 vulnerable househlds dertemined as the most relevant to the providence.
Also, they required the community to work hard for restoration of their life standards, improving level of productivity in agriculture, to adopt modern farming methods, to intensify environmental preservation by planting trees and covering grasses in order to avoid soil erosion as well as to reduce the possibility of flood recurrence in the future.
The presence of other government development stake-holders from Rumonge Provence in the subsequent Kizuka distribution expressly denotes the government recognition of brotherhood service handled by the two partners (Diocese of Rumonge and TearFund Burundi).