A Retirement of the Rev. Can. Emmanuel NSENGIYUMVA (being a Pastor from 1979 to 2024)

The Diocese of Rumonge prepared a celebration day for the official retiring of the Reverend Canon Emmanuel NSENGIYUMVA who worked in the Cathédrale Kristo Umwami Church. The scheduled date for this event was in the 11st February 2024 and several believers attended the event from several Parishes and Archdeaconries. Christians expressed their gratitude and appreciated his hardworking and faithfulness of serving God.
The Rev. Can. Emmanuel NSENGIYUMVA was born in the 8th June 1953 in Minago zone, Rumonge commune, Rumonge province in Burundi. He joined primary school in Bitare and studied from 1959 to 1964. He went on with secondary school in Bukeye, Nyanza Lac commune located in Makamba province where he studied class seven. After completing his studies he was selected to join further education in Mweya School located in Gitega province for four years. Following an occurrence of ethno-political crisis of 1972 in Burundi he left country to Tanzania. He joined Bible School studies from 1974 in Kasulu district, Kigoma region in Tanzania. It was during January 1976 he was sent by the Church to follow three years studies in Dodoma (Kongwa) for Theology and Pastoral studies until 1978. During 1988 he attended a Lutheran High Seminary Studies in Morogoro. He got the Grace of God for becoming the first academic performant student in all education agents he studied. In 1980 to 2013 he became a teacher in the Kasulu Bible College (KBC) to equip Theological and Pastoral practitioners for three years.
He was ordained Deacon in the 30th October 1979 and after six months he was ordained a Reverend Pastor in 13rd April 1980 at the St. Andrew Anglican Cathedral Church, in the Diocese of Western Tanganyika (DWT). He did several works and served in several positions. Particularly, he planted between 200 and 250 Churches in Tanzania and Burundi. Most of his planted Churches are in Tanzania where previously there was one Diocese but at the time of his repatriation to Burundi three new Dioceses were established and make a total of four Dioceses in the same former DWT geographical area.
After his repatriation to his Mother Land he resumed serving God. Similarly, as he served as the Head of Mission and Evangelisation Department in Tanzania, he served in the same Department in Rumonge Diocese (Burundi). He got the Grace of God to serve in Priesthood Ministry for 45 years since 1979 to 2024 while having 71 years old.
As we do pray that, “Uhoraho Imana yacu dusenga imuhe akaruhuko keza k’izabukuru”, we testify that Glory be to our LORD God forever.

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