The Friends of Burundi organization has provided a financial support for Bitare Medical Clinic. The total amount of financial support is 1,000 Pound, which is equivalent to 5,000,000 Burundian International Francs. The providence has been distributed to project’s beneficiaries in the 6th January 2025 at Bitare Medical Clinic area. The sum of money has been allocated for the improvement of health service among community members by means of intensifying availability of medicines and necessary medical tools in the Clinic.

The donation activity has been honored by the Bishop of Rumonge Diocese, the Right Reverend Pédaçuli BIRAKENGANA who has unveiled how great and important the support is, as it has been granted by the Friends of Burundi, in order to help all patients who will seek for health service at the Clinic. The Bishop has clarified that friendship between the donors and Rumonge Diocese has a long history, and that the support is not only relevant to Bitare Medical Clinic, but also other diocesan health institutions would receive the same. He has added that, allocation of the support to them was a sign of God’s grace to them, which requires a faithful use of the providence. The Bishop has insisted that the Clinic should mostly thank the donors for their loving heart of giving for Bitare community. He has enquired Clinic workers to work with a great integrity and faithfulness, which would lead to a satisfaction of health service and wellbeing of the community.

The Diocese of Rumonge appreciates the Friends of Burundi for their effective support of contributing to attaining a good quality of medical clinic service. The Diocese is assured that all people who will attend the Clinic for health service will have a conducive health care according to availability of current devices and medicines. The Bishop has enquired workers to use the providence well in order to please both God and the community.

During the activity of presenting a providence, the beneficiaries were enshrined by joy and thanksgiving to God for using donors who decided to grant them medicines and tools. Also, beneficiaries are thankful to the Diocese of Rumonge for their fruitful partnership with the Friends of Burundi. The administration of Bitare Medical Clinic has affirmed that the donation has been done during an appropriate time in which the community is really in need of provided medicines, and that currently, there is an increase in patients’ number.

Besides a great hope of health service improvement at Bitare Medical Clinic, the institution has some challenges such as inability of paying salaries to workers for nine consecutive months, lack of laboratory equipments like reagents, and thirdly, the institution is referred to as the health center after been disqualified from being a medical clinic following an absence of the operatory bloc and other requirements that qualify a medical clinic

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