The Diocese of Rumonge held a Diocesan Council (DC) to oversee the position and role of the Church. It started by an opening Sermon on 1John 1:1-4. The sermon was preached by Revd. Canon Emmanuel NSENGIYUMVA, the Head of Diocesan Evangelization and Mission department.
He described that John the disciple who used to rest on the bosom of Christ assures people that he writes the things that he personally saw as the eyewitness. The Old Testament has 250 reflections on Jesus and 35-recorded miracles are just few of many miracles He did.
The first reflection is the First Adam because through him all people came to exist and through Jesus Christ (the Second Adam) all people can become new creation. Secondly, the blood flew over when God killed an animal to dress Adam and Eve its skin in the Eden garden foretells the flow of Christ’s blood to cleanse our sins away. Thirdly, sheep offered by Abel foretells sacrifice of Jesus’ flesh as an offering to God. An Ark of Noah is an example of Jesus Christ because any person in Jesus shall never experience God’s wrath. The Priest Melchizedek of Salem who received tenth from Abram is an example of Jesus Christ the High Priest. The sheep sacrificed on behalf of Isaac foretells the sacrifice of Jesus for all people. The life of Joseph as hated by his brothers and became their helper in the Israelites household is an example of Jesus Christ. The sheep of Esther (Passover feast sheep) is an example of Jesus as the Lamb of God sacrificed for all at once. The pillar of fire from heaven during Israelites journey means Jesus Christ was their light throughout their journey. The rock from which Moses struck and some water flew is an example of Jesus as the water of life. (In Islam religion they teach that such water from the rock flew through separate 12 rivers). The fiery serpent of brass on a pole of tree in the desert is an example of Jesus Christ on the cross that whoever looks at Him receives salvation. The tabernacle (tent) of worship during Israelites journey in the desert represents Jesus as the establisher of the Church. The only one door of the tabernacle signifies Jesus Christ as the only WAY and door of entering the Kingdom of God. The love between David and Jonathan is the symbol of Jesus Christ’s love to His Church. The brazen altar was used for burnt offerings in the tabernacle but the death of Jesus marks an end of such offerings in the tent. The seven lamps on a lampstand is an example of Jesus Christ as the perfect light of the world. The table of bread represents the flesh of Jesus Christ to be commemorated by His believers. A White Priesthood robe in Israel’s community in the Old Testament time is an example of Jesus Christ that signifies holiness in Priesthood service. The Ark of the Covenant is an example of Jesus by means that through Christ the Covenant of God shall be fulfilled. The presence of forgiveness throne in the tabernacle is an example of Christ as the source of God’s grace and mercy helpful in our needy time. David was an example of Jesus Christ through his anointment, becoming the King of Israel and his offspring shall be the everlasting King of Israel. Jonah’s three days in the big fish’s belly is an example of Jesus’ three days in the tomb. Boaz is compared to Jesus by is act of saving his wife which is reflected to Christ’s saving work of the Church. The Pentateuch is a reflection of Jesus because it cannot be complete unless Jesus makes it perfect. David as the shepherd is an example of Jesus for his faithful and love to the flock. David in killing Goliath is an example of Jesus Christ in winning against Satan and the power of sin in order to save His people. David was ignored and undervalued by his brothers; it foretells Jesus’ rejection by His relatives in the early days of his ministry. Glory be to God for they then turned their minds and trusted him.
- He concluded his sermon by inviting people to understand and love the Word of God; also that our life is supposed to be model and comprise reflections of Jesus Christ’s attitudes as well as His characters.
After sermon, the Rt. Revd. Pédaҫuli BIRAKENGANA added that we should know Jesus Christ and disseminate His Word to others through everything we communicate and whatever we do. The works of God requires a calling of sharing the Good news to the world until all people listen and believe in Christ as their LORD and Savior; he said.
The Bishop enquired participants to thank God for been together with the Diocese since its creation in the 4th August 2013. He disclosed an importance of thanking God for He was very merciful in protecting the Diocese and make it possible to achieve a number of goals in several Diocesan activities. God strengthened the Diocese in preaching the Word of God, construction of the Cathedral (Cathedral Kristo Umwami) and parishes, Church houses, schools, hospital, medical clinic, health centers and 5 health centers to be opened recently. The Church role in changing society, fighting against gender based violence, working on peace building in the Diocesan geographical jurisdiction as well as the establishment of BST Agency.
Particularly, the Bishop gave thanks to all Church workers for providing time, wealth and life that Diocese becomes into several stages from the beginning. The Diocese began as an offspring and by the grace of God it grows as the Diocese prepares a special Church service on 4th August 2023 to celebrate the ten years old of the Diocese. It marks the hope of been built and strengthened by the Holy Spirit that the Diocese shall continue to grow in spreading the Good News to all.
The Diocesan workers and Church members, without prejudicing Christians out of the Diocese, accepted God to use them as the result the Diocese joins the One Catholic Church to glorify God through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ; the Bishop said. He added that, Dukwiye kuba umuco umurikira abandi kandi tukaba umunyu w’isi mu vyo dukora mu buzima bwacu.
The Diocesan Council Conference (DC) discussed on the Church mission, policy, finance, traditions and properties related to the marks of Mission in the Anglican Church.