The Diocese of Rumonge presents several opportunities and strengths. Once these opportunities and strengths are identified, explored and exploited they become a springboard for success of its own support in all aspects in which it works. The mission of evangelism of the Church, being that the Diocese could reach human being and society at all levels of their existence, requires, in addition to human resources, substantial material and financial means.
Vision and Mission
The desired long-term Vision of the Diocese of Rumonge is “Autonomy in all its aspects”. From this Vision, the Mission assigned to the auto-support sector is that “the Diocese of Rumonge happens to provide itself and ensure its self-financing for its Evangelizing Mission.”
Under the above mission, the general objective to which the auto-support sector will make a contribution is formulated as follows: “Financial Sustainability of the Diocese of Rumonge”.
The specific objective is to seek that “auto-financing of the activities of the Church (Diocese of Rumonge) is ensured”.
The current Director: Ir. Damien NDAYIHAYA
Contact: P. O. Box 14, Rumonge-Burundi
Mob.: 257 79 97 90 32 or 257 77 97 90 32