The World Vision began to work in Burundi during 1933 when hunger seriously affected the population and it founded potential roots in 1995 during the experience of emerged political crisis. The organization observes the first interest of a child by improving several life spheres including accessibility of some food, clothes, shelter, providing humanitarian assistance after natural disasters like floods, facilitating economic activities like pastoralism and agriculture in a given community. The organization is a partner of the Diocese of Rumonge for two years. Through the Diocese of Rumonge, World Vision has been supporting social infrastructures that are established by several Church denominations by distributing:
- Solar energy panels and medicines to health institutions;
- Solar energy panels and text books to schools;
- Electronic projectors and two computer machines to B.S.T office; and
- Soap to be distributed to several organizations.
It was during 11:00am in 27th September 2022 when the World Vision organization in Burundi visited the Diocese of Rumonge and its agency ‘Bonne Sante a Tous (B.S.T)’.
Mr. Celestin HABIMANA, the B.S.T Executive Secretary, argued that the World Vision in Burundi has strongly contributed to the improvement of health sector in the Diocese of Rumonge and in Burundi population at large. Their contribution has a vital value worthy of giving thanks to God.
The beneficiaries of this distribution were Amahoro Birimba Hospital (Hopitale Amahoro Birimba), Victory Medical Center, Birimba Health Center, Bitare Clinic, Kimate , Kagongo, Bitare, Cewe, St. Georges, Kisagazuba, Gitaba, Mudende, Karonda, Mayengo, Bubera, Mubira and Kigwena Health Centers. These health institutions were established by several Church denominations including the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Pentecost Church and Eglise du Rocher.
The Rt. Revd. Pédaçuli BIRAKENGANA explained that, the Diocese of Rumonge has an objective of ensuring treatment of sick people, providing free treatment service to children having 0-5 years old, providing maternity health care and protecting heath workers during their professional activities.
He appreciates the importance of the distributed support for wellbeing of both health workers and community health regardless of their religion or any other socio-economic diversity.
The community should receive the distributed medical support as the gift and health workers should use them appropriately in their respective institutions; in case of any inappropriate use of the distributed gift, God shall inquire them to present a report in the Last Day, said by the Bishop.
He expressly acknowledged the government efforts through paying attention and cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Fight against HIV/AIDS for achievement of community health ideal.
The Representative of World Vision in Burundi said that, their organization is not a Church but rather a Christian institution that works with all Church denominations. The main focus of World Vision is to put much effort in serving a child through their parents and families.
He argued that the government recognizes the significance of free health services to a child and consequently the World Vision finds conducive environment to implement its identical objectives. An organization is committed to ensure that a child lives in a loving parental care, loving society, loving God and enjoy good health. The distributed medicines and protective instruments should appropriately be used to any community member suffering in light of the first interest of a child. Any community member regardless of his quartier or nationality was created in the image of God; hence, each person is worth to enjoy the gift.
Dr. BIGIRIMANA Jean represented the Rumonge Provincial Medical Doctor said that, there could be no development without good health. He appreciated both the World Vision and Diocese of Rumonge for realizing the government policy of good health to a child and woman.
He called upon the population to promulgate strategic plans essential for improving unity between the government and their organizations. The Doctor was grateful to the World Vision Representative in Burundi for their significant role in effecting community health and welfare of the entire population. He turned back an attention to the beneficiaries by enquiring health practitioners to appropriately use the distributed offer to targeted people. A proper use of the same shall be a blessing both to the Bishop and the community. The information shall be spread out on the use of the gift and it shall move the donors to trust and keep working with the Diocese of Rumomge.