At the headquarter of the Diocese of Rumonge, on the 20th April 2023, training for the education agents was organized in the aim of equipping them on “Capacity Reinforcement”. The participants were the head masters, prefect of studies and chef masters. The trainer was Hon. Rodolphe BARANYIZIGIYE (the Former Minister of Youth and Sports), an expert in educational sciences. The Chief Manager of Education in Rumonge Commune was also invited.
The Bishop of Rumonge Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Pédaçuli BIRAKENGANA, in his opening speech of the session, he read the Word of God in the Gospel according to Saint John 20:26-31. He appealed the participants to serve their communities like Jesus Christ in the four ways that He often used:
- To pray for His people;
- Visit them;
- Teach them; and
- Interact with them.
The presentations of the day by trainer were very advantageous to partakers. He presented on “Capacity Reinforcement, orthography technic and the role of a teacher”. The participants decided to apply those teachings in their sectors of service in the purpose of snowballing the results on schools established by the Diocese.